
Bed Bug Removal and Treatment

Matt Unrein • January 24, 2025

How to Remove Bed Bugs 

 Thermal treatment For Bed Bug Removal

Thermal technology is the only safe and sure way to remove bed bugs without damage to your furniture or home. This treatment poses no toxic threat to pets or humans. Heat treatment gets into every wall and cracks in your home or apartment. This method will maximize the results of removing bed bugs from a property. 

Adult bed bugs can be killed at 119 degrees Fahrenheit, but their heat-resistant eggs require temperatures upwards of 125 degrees. SOS Pest Control will seal a room and then cook the pests at these temperatures to kill them. This method of treatment will not damage property or the home.
Bed bug exterminator heat treatment by SOS Pest Control

How Not To Remove Bed Bugs

Bed bug removal is difficult but not impossible. Most pesticides are not effective in controlling or preventing infestations. Bed bugs are stubborn and resilient insects that have adapted to modern pesticides. Don't buy over-the-counter bed bug spray you will just be wasting time and money. Bed bugs can nest in your walls and furniture, so any kind of stray is not effective because you can know every spot where the pests are hiding. If you believe you have bed bugs please give us a call at 816-237-5342 for a free inspection.

If you don't see any bed bugs but you see bites, believe the bites. Thanks to the work of the EPA, we now know that bed bugs can hide in the cracks in your walls and furniture. Bed bugs can hide in cracks that are the width of a credit card. Bed bug's ability to hide in cracks is a key reason why pesticides are not effective instruments for bed bug removal. 

Where Do Bed Bugs Hide 

Bed bugs can hide in any number of places to nest. These pests can hide in furniture and can go several months without blood. Bed bugs can hide in some of the following places:

  • Shared laundry facilities
  • Mattresses 
  • Break rooms
  • Storage areas (coat closets or cubbies)
  • Offices or lounges with upholstered furniture
  • Luggage (especially from a vacation)
  • Areas where people may rest
  • Please note that bed bugs can appear anywhere there are people. The cleanliness of a location is not a factor in determining whether or not there are bed bugs. 
signs of bed bugs on a mattress

Bed Bug Exterminator 

If you think you have bed bugs in your home or apartment then please give us a call 816-237-5342. SOS Pest Control has free inspections and offers 10% off for residential services. Feel confident in choosing SOS Pest Control for all your pest control needs with our 90-Day Bed Bug-Free Guarantee! It ensures your home will remain bedbug free for up to three months after our thermal treatment in your home or commercial property.

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