By Matt Unrein
June 19, 2024
KCK Senior Living Complex Condemned for Bed Bugs According to KCTV5 in 2023 the Victory Hills Apartments complex has been condemned due to the complex being infested with bed bugs. County code enforcers have declared the building to be "unfit for human habitation." Victory Hills is the home to about 200 senior citizens and many of the residents told KCTV5 that the bed bugs have affected every aspect of their lives. A few of the residents spoke with KCTV about their experience with the bed bugs. "They're just everywhere," said one woman who did not wish to be identified. "I mean, they're in the hallways," she said. "You meet one on the elevator." The infestation of bed bugs led to all the social activities being canceled which left the residents isolated. "They removed most of the chairs, most of the furniture because of the bedbugs," another resident said. "Closed the dining room." At one point Wyandotte County Code Enforcers declared the building uninhabitable and this statement was sent to KCTV5. "Our office was made aware of a possible bed bug infestation at Victory Hills Senior Living Center last week. Throughout the course of the week we received at least 8 complaints from residents as well as some of their family members. That information was corroborated by the on-site management of the facility. With that knowledge, we decided to post the property as Unfit for Human Habitation. The property was posted by our Inspector on Friday 1/6/2023 and a Notice of Unfit Hearing was sent out this morning on Monday 1/9/2023. The Notice was sent to the owners of the facility and states that there is an administrative Hearing scheduled for Thursday 1/26/2023 to be held at the Neighborhood Resource Center between representatives from the Unified Government's Property Maintenance Compliance Division and the owners/representatives of Victory Hills Senior Living Center. At or before the date of the hearing, we are asking the ownership/management of the facility to present to us a comprehensive plan for the remediation of the vermin issue in the building. The placard posted on the property has a noted Vacate Date of Friday 1/27/2023. If no plan is in place by the time of the Hearing, that vacate date would be enforced by our office and no one would be allowed to live in the facility until the issue is resolved. However, it is not our desire to displace even one tenant living at Victory Hills. It is our ambition, in posting the property Unfit, the notice serves to behoove the responsible parties in resolving this issue as soon as possible for the health, safety and well-being of all residents and their families. We have also been in contact with a number of our community partners such as the Department of Housing and the Office of Veterans Affairs to make them aware of the actions we are taking and our hope for the best possible outcome for all parties involved." -Patrick Holton, Neighborhood Resource Code Enforcement If you are worried that a similar situation might happen to your home or business please give us a call. SOS offers free inspection. So if you are worried about bed bugs being in your home or business, let us give you some peace of mind and give an answer to your worries. The original article link is here: KCTV5