
BED BUG NEWS FOr KAnsas And Missouri

Bed Bug Stories and News

These stories and reports are from across the Midwest and the world to help inform people about the latest news and studies about bed bugs. The original articles have been linked at the bottom of each post. If you have any questions about about whether or not you have bed bugs on your property, please give us a call to schedule a free inspection.

inside of a airliner
By Matt Unrein March 6, 2025
It was reported by the New York Times (NTY) that passengers said they found bed bugs on flights that belonged to Turkish Airlines. Bed bugs can hide on people, in luggage, and in the tight spaces between structures. These are all things that airlines have and that bed bugs love. Please remember that bed bugs can be found in both clean and dirty environments. Where there are people, there can be bed bugs.
SOS Pest Control Bed Bug Removal Painting
By Matt Unrein January 24, 2025
Thermal treatment is the best method for bed bug removal. Thermal technology is the only safe and sure way to eliminate bed bugs without damage to your furniture or home. This treatment poses no toxic threat to pets or humans. Bed bug removal is difficult but is possible to control with professional help.
black and white image of the Las Vegas sign
By Matt Unrein November 15, 2024
Bed bugs have be found by investigators in multiple resorts in Las Vegas. The bed bugs have found in these resorts from February to August 2024. A official report and lawsuit related to this outbreak of bed bugs has ben filed.
Picture of bed bug
By Matt Unrein October 3, 2024
Why Do Most Bed Bug Traps Fail? Its because of their design but these new traps have been tested and used at the Paris Summer Olympics in the Olympic Village to protect the athletes.
picture of bed bug in black and white
By Matt Unrein September 17, 2024
Bed bugs go through various stages in their lifecycle which affects their feeding habitats and where they will hide. Bed bugs are blood feeders similar to mosquitos and ticks but how they travel is very different. Mosquitos travel by flight and then find standing water to repopulate. Ticks feed by taking the blood from living animals and humans to gather energy for breeding. Bed bugs are similar to ticks in that they need blood to repopulate but they travel around. Feeding Cycle Bed bugs have a cryptic lifestyle. This means that these pests spend most of their time hiding during daylight hours with their friends in tight and dark places. During the night, they become very active and start to look for hosts to feed on. Bed bugs are most active from 24:00 to 5:00 and this is when these pests will feed on their human host. Bed bugs are attracted by CO2 which is produced by humans naturally and bed bugs can also find their host by heat. Once the bed bugs find a host to feed on, they will only need 5-10 minutes to fill up. So the window to find a bed bug directly on your person is very small. Bed bugs only need to feed every 3-7 days on the host's blood. If you are looking for methods to keep bed bugs away from you when you sleep we have most methods that might help. Keep Bed Bugs Away. Mating and Growth Cycle After feeding on the host's blood, bed bugs become very active in mating. On average female bed bugs will produce between 1-7 eggs per day for about 10 days for each single blood meal they got their host. A single female can produce about 113 eggs in her whole lifetime. Under the right conditions, the mortality rate for these eggs can be as low as 97%. It will take about six to nine days for the eggs to start hatching. After the eggs hatch the nymphs will develop through five stages of molting until they reach adulthood. This process will take about 37 days to complete and under favorable conditions, about 80% of the nymphs will become adults. If you want to kill the bed bugs before they become adults then the egg and nymph stage will be when they are the most vulnerable. Please visit our FAQ page for the signs of bed bugs and please give us a call at 816-237-5340 for a free inspection.
An image of hotel room with a TV, mirror, lamp, chairs and wooden dresser.
By Matt Unrein August 21, 2024
Bed Bugs can hide in the gaps in the wooden furniture. When you check into a hotel you need to check your room for signs of bed bugs. Bed bugs can be found in any hotel or motel. Bed bugs are drawn to blood and warm bodies not dirt and grime.
suitcase with clothes on the floor in a hotel room
By Matt Unrein July 22, 2024
A guide to prevent your suitcase from becoming infested with bed bugs while on vacation. Here is information on how to find and identify bed bugs in hotel rooms and other locations.
Exterminators spraying a fence
By Matt Unrein July 12, 2024
Topeka Pest Control talk about the rise of bed bugs. Bed bugs have been popping up in apartments, retirement homes and low-income housing areas around Topeka, Kansas are they are getting more reports.
Old women sting down with hands together.
By Matt Unrein June 19, 2024
KCK Senior Living Complex Condemned for Bed Bugs According to KCTV5 in 2023 the Victory Hills Apartments complex has been condemned due to the complex being infested with bed bugs. County code enforcers have declared the building to be "unfit for human habitation." Victory Hills is the home to about 200 senior citizens and many of the residents told KCTV5 that the bed bugs have affected every aspect of their lives. A few of the residents spoke with KCTV about their experience with the bed bugs. "They're just everywhere," said one woman who did not wish to be identified. "I mean, they're in the hallways," she said. "You meet one on the elevator." The infestation of bed bugs led to all the social activities being canceled which left the residents isolated. "They removed most of the chairs, most of the furniture because of the bedbugs," another resident said. "Closed the dining room." At one point Wyandotte County Code Enforcers declared the building uninhabitable and this statement was sent to KCTV5. "Our office was made aware of a possible bed bug infestation at Victory Hills Senior Living Center last week. Throughout the course of the week we received at least 8 complaints from residents as well as some of their family members. That information was corroborated by the on-site management of the facility. With that knowledge, we decided to post the property as Unfit for Human Habitation. The property was posted by our Inspector on Friday 1/6/2023 and a Notice of Unfit Hearing was sent out this morning on Monday 1/9/2023. The Notice was sent to the owners of the facility and states that there is an administrative Hearing scheduled for Thursday 1/26/2023 to be held at the Neighborhood Resource Center between representatives from the Unified Government's Property Maintenance Compliance Division and the owners/representatives of Victory Hills Senior Living Center. At or before the date of the hearing, we are asking the ownership/management of the facility to present to us a comprehensive plan for the remediation of the vermin issue in the building. The placard posted on the property has a noted Vacate Date of Friday 1/27/2023. If no plan is in place by the time of the Hearing, that vacate date would be enforced by our office and no one would be allowed to live in the facility until the issue is resolved. However, it is not our desire to displace even one tenant living at Victory Hills. It is our ambition, in posting the property Unfit, the notice serves to behoove the responsible parties in resolving this issue as soon as possible for the health, safety and well-being of all residents and their families. We have also been in contact with a number of our community partners such as the Department of Housing and the Office of Veterans Affairs to make them aware of the actions we are taking and our hope for the best possible outcome for all parties involved." -Patrick Holton, Neighborhood Resource Code Enforcement If you are worried that a similar situation might happen to your home or business please give us a call. SOS offers free inspection. So if you are worried about bed bugs being in your home or business, let us give you some peace of mind and give an answer to your worries. The original article link is here: KCTV5
Fire fighter coming out a burnt house with a hose.
By Matt Unrein June 19, 2024
Woman Tries to Kill Bed Bugs and Starts a House Fire According to KWCH/Gray News a Wichita woman in early December 7th, 2023 was critically injured in an apartment fire. Firefighters were able to rescue a trapped woman from the Liberty Way Apartments near Ninth Street and North Estelle and she was taken to the hospital. According to witnesses in the area who called 911, the woman said that "she was trying to kill bed bugs with her lighter." "We were sitting here and we heard screaming. It was a mom screaming about her children," the caller, who asked not to be identified, explained. "Smoke was everywhere." "She didn't seem like she was very coherent, like she was on something possibly," the witness said. "She said flat-out that she had started the fire to kill bed bugs and she knew that her roommate was on the floor asleep in front of the couch. She said that she didn't realize that it would start a fire and she panicked and ran out of there, leaving her roommate on the floor." Please take this as a warning not to use fire or any other dangerous material to deal with bed bugs. These pests are difficult to deal with when you don't have the proper tools and know what to look for. Here at SOS Pest Control, we understand the urgent feeling to take action when you see bed bugs but please contact the professional first. We don't want you to do something that you might regret later. You might not even have bed bugs since they can be mistaken for other insects, that's why we offer free inspections. Let us help you protect your home and property and call us first before you set something on fire. See here for the original story: KKTV
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SOS Pest Control of Kansas City offers a 90-day bedbug free guarantee.

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Feel confident in choosing SOS Pest Control for all your pest control needs with our 90-Day Bed Bug-Free Guarantee! It ensures your home will remain bedbug free for up to three months after our thermal treatment in your home or commercial property.

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