Thermal heat extermination is nontoxic, fast &
100% guaranteed!
Treatment of bedbugs with heat, not poison. It consists of heating a space and anything in that space to a minimum of 122 degrees and holding that temperature for at least three hours. This treatment is used when a customer wants immediate elimination, wants to avoid insecticides inside their home.
This treatment is applied in areas where bedbugs live and hide. The bedbugs pick these spores up on their body and infect other bedbugs they come in contact with. This treatment is used when a lite infestation is present, or the environment is not suitable for thermal treatment due to clutter or environment.
Termites are social insects that live in colonies of hundreds to millions. They mainly feed on dead plant material, which causes significant damage to buildings. Immediate pest control is recommended when termites are noticed around a building. You may notice you have termites because termites swarm and they build tunnels. SOS Pest Control offers a 7 year termite warranty.
While each termite species thrives in different climates and eats different types of food, all termites require four things to survive:
Unfortunately, all homes, regardless of their construction type, can provide these ideal conditions for termite infestation.
Feel confident in choosing SOS Pest Control for all your pest control needs with our 90-Day Bed Bug-Free Guarantee! It ensures your home will remain bedbug free for up to three months after our thermal treatment in your home or commercial property.
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