We provide expert eradication and prevention services of the following pests for Independence, Missouri residents.
Our pest control technicians will come to your business for infestation prevention and treatment. Here are examples of businesses we commonly serve:
We can do it all. Our certified Entomologist is also an expert at eliminating these common household pests:
Treatment of bedbugs with heat consists of heating a space and anything in that space to a minimum of 122 degrees and holding that temperature for at least three hours. This treatment is used when a customer wants immediate elimination, wants to avoid insecticides inside their home.
This treatment is applied in areas where bedbugs live and hide. The bedbugs pick these spores up on their body and infect other bedbugs they come in contact with. This treatment is used when a lighte infestation is present, or the environment is not suitable for thermal treatment due to clutter or environment.
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